Today, we’ll talk about living a life in resonance, which is the key to happiness, success, and an overall feeling of complete fulfillment. Fulfillment in terms of financial security, loving relationships, good health and the other factors that make you feel that you’re living your life in the best way possible.

In Physics, resonance is defined as: the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface.
In other words, when all of the elements of a person’s life are working well and in a synchronized way, they enable a synchronous vibration and reinforce that person’s happiness and feeling of fulfillment.

So, how can one achieve a life in resonance? First, let’s answer the following questions:
• Have you realized your full potential?
• Do you feel financially secure?
• Do you have close relationships and strong ties with the people who matter most to you?
• Do you feel fit and strong?
• Do you jump out of bed in the morning, filled with energy and purpose, enthusiastic about what’s ahead for the day?

In considering these questions, do you wonder if anyone actually can answer yes to all of the above, or do you feel that:
Someone who appears to be living such a life is either extremely lucky, or the beneficiary of advantages to which you don’t have access? That good things just happen easily and naturally for them, without any effort on their part? Or

That they’re putting on a façade- that their smile actually disappears when nobody is looking, that their air of financial security, happy relationships, etc. is just a result of them putting on a show, but the reality is, they’re unhappy, drowning in debt, struggling in relationships, etc.? You might have these thoughts because you may feel that you have been missing something all these years.

However, maybe there’s another explanation: Could it be that the people who seem to have it all do actually work hard at their business, health, relationships, etc. but that they make it look effortless because they enjoy it? Could it be that they have spent time organizing and planning well? Perhaps it boils down to the fact that they have positive attitudes. If you think about it this way, you may not begrudge them their success but you may like to live that way yourself.

The reality is that there are people who are genuinely living their life in resonance. People can feel this way. I will talk about it later.

So, how does one achieve a life in resonance? It certainly doesn’t come from luck and it doesn’t happen on its own. One must make a conscious effort to align the right elements to enable a life in resonance.

Who are the people who live their lives in resonance? They are those who work hard to have everything work together to make for a full and meaningful experience because they’re taking the right steps. So, let’s talk about the right steps:

1) You need to evaluate what really matters to you and prioritize
2) Once you’ve prioritized, carve out time to do those things really well
3) Remove any dampening forces- that’s anything or anyone who drains your energy, holds you back from achieving your goals.
4) Most of all, you must give the important things 110%, consistently. It’s easy to lose motivation if you don’t see immediate results.

Once you start to see positive results in one area that will energize you to make the right decisions, and put in greater effort in other areas until all of the areas of focus are moving in the right direction. When you are at this stage, you have achieved a life in resonance. To live a life in resonance is to produce or be filled with a deep sense of fulfillment, meaning, achievement and joy. This deep sound, generated by the things that really matter enables you to live a truly happy life.